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    Interim report for the third quarter 2024

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    Year-end report 2024

Latest report
12 July 2024, 10:30 CEST

Interim Report 1 January – 30 June 2024

Growth and robust earnings improvement

»The second quarter of 2024 was strong for Addnode Group, with organic and acquired growth and a robust improvement in earnings. Net sales increased by 29 percent and earnings per share improved by 64 percent. Strong growth for Symetri, the acquisition of Team D3 and cost efficiencies in the Product Lifecycle Management division contributed to this positive development.«

Johan Andersson

President and CEO

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View all reports
Q2 2024
  • Net sales growth Q2 2024 compared with Q2 2023

    29 %
  • Share of recurring revenue Q2 2024

    72 %
  • EBITA margin Q2 2024

    8.1 %
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Redeye Serial Acquirers Conference 2024

Addnode Group’s President and CEO Johan Andersson presents at the investor conference “Redeye Serial Acquirers Conference” in March 2024.

CEO speech from AGM 2023

CEO Johan Andersson’s speech from the AGM 2023.

Want to know more? Contact us.

  • Christina Rinman

    Head of Corporate Communication and Sustainability

    +46 (0) 709 711 213
