Addnode Group’s subsidiaries are organised in three divisions: Design Management, Product Lifecycle Management and Process Management. Each subsidiary develops its business in accordance with strategies, guidelines and Group-wide values. A decentralised business model means that mission-critical decisions are made close to customers and markets. The Divisions constitute the Group’s operating segments that Addnode Group uses to monitor performance.
The members of Group Management are the President & CEO, CFO, VP of Business Development, Head of M&A, President of the Design Management division, President of the Product Lifecycle Management division, President of the Process Management division and the President of Symetri.
Group Management supports the CEO on strategic and operational issues. In accordance with adopted strategies and goals, Division Presidents are responsible for the subsidiaries in their Divisions and report to Addnode Group’s President & CEO.
Central functions are based in Addnode Group’s head office and are responsible for coordination, financial monitoring and reporting, policies and guidelines at an overarching level, and contribute expertise in acquisitions, business models, cybersecurity, brands, sustainability and corporate communication.

Net sales by division
Addnode Group’s total sales in 2023 was SEK 7,412 m.
Net sales by division
Ebita by division
Addnode Group’s total EBITA in 2023 was SEK 640 m.
EBITA by division
Employees by division
Addnode Group’s average number of employees in 2023 was 2,455.