The companies in Addnode Group develop and deliver solutions that digitalize society. We see major business opportunities in the wake of global trends such as digitalization, sustainability, urbanization and automation. We capitalize on these trends by using sound risk-taking to continuously acquire and develop new, promising businesses and actively support our subsidiaries in generating sustainable profit growth. Our organization is decentralized, with responsibility and authority for managing businesses delegated to each division and subsidiary.
Addnode Group’s vision is for its solutions to contribute to a sustainable future.
Addnode Group acquires, operates and develops cutting edge enterprises that digitalize society.
Business model
Through its subsidiaries, Addnode Group offers digital solutions that enable the design, production, management and administration of a sustainable society.
The foundation of the Group’s offering of digital solutions consists of both proprietary and partner-owned software. We work continuously on enhancing our proprietary software, while simultaneously consolidating our offering by developing applications that can be used in combination with software from our partners. Our development of software and applications is complemented by a broad service offering based on a high level of skills, long-term experience and good sector knowledge. An investment in digital solutions is a long-term commitment for us as a provider, and for our customers. Many of our customer relationships extend over 20 years back in time. Our customers come back to us to renew, expand or upgrade software, which generates recurring revenue. Many customers also return for our service portfolio in connection with customization, integration and training.
Values-based leadership and delegated responsibility
One fundamental structure of our business is our decentralized organizational model, which gives companies and people room to grow. The responsibility and authority for running the business lies with our subsidiaries, which helps us to maintain each company’s entrepreneurial spirit to innovate and make decisions. To make this organizational model work, we utilize a values-based leadership approach. It rests on these core values:
- Entrepreneurial SpiritOur mindset encompasses innovation, creativity, curiosity, adaptability and a passion for delivering value in the marketplace. We identify opportunities and act to ensure success.
- Long-Term CommitmentOur investments and commitments are made with determination, patience, resilience, and focus on long-term development and growth.
- SimplicityOur focus is set on the business. We strive for simplicity in everything we do, meaning that we don’t get lost in details or inefficient organization.
Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy
Addnode Group’s Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy are based on our strategy, values and internationally recognized standards. Our Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy provide guidelines for our day-to-day conduct and our sustainability work in a number of key segments that include consideration and respect for people, wider society and the environment. Everything we do is done with a longterm approach, with the aim that the digital solutions provided by our companies will create value – both today and in the future. We support and respect human rights as stated in the International Bill of Human Rights and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Value-creating strategy for our stakeholders