
Successful implementation of Addnode Group’s business strategy and safeguarding of the company’s long-term interests, including its sustainability, requires that the company can recruit and retain qualified employees. Addnode Group shall therefore apply market and competitive levels of remuneration and terms of employment to be able to recruit and retain management with high competence and capacity to achieve set goals.
- Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives adopted byt AGM 2024
- The board’s report regarding remuneration for senior executives 2023 (only available in Swedish)
- Auditors statement on guidelines for remuneration 2023
- Guidelines for remuneration of senior executives adopted byt AGM 2020
- The board’s report regarding remuneration for senior executives 2022 (only available in Swedish)
- Auditors statement on guidlines for remuneration 2022
- The board’s report regarding remuneration for senior executives 2021 (only available in Swedish).
- Auditors statement on guidelines for remuneration 2021
- The board’s report regarding remuneration for senior executives 2020 (only available in Swedish)
- Auditors statement on guidlines for remuneration 2020
Long-term incentive plans
Addnode Group has through decisions at its Annual General Meetings in 2021, 2022 and 2023 resolved to introduce long-term share-based incentive plans that include the Group Management and additional employees with leading positions within the Addnode Group. The participants in the plans are being given the opportunity to acquire, at market price, call options relating to class B shares in Addnode Group, repurchased by the Company.
The Annual General Meeting 2024 resolved to introduce a long-term performance based share rights plan that include the Group Management and additional employees with leading positions within the Addnode Group. The participants in the plan recieves performance based share rights that provide the participant with a right to acquire class B shares. Following the defined vesting period, the participants will, free of charge, be allocated class B shares in Addnode Group provided that certain performance targets are fulfilled.
The employees with leading positions included in the plans are the group that, in an otherwise heavily decentralized organization, can create positive effects on the results through cooperation between the group’s subsidiaries.
The background to the decision to introduce long-term incentive plans are to align the interests of the shareholders with the interests of the Executive Management and other key employees to ensure maximum long-term value creation. Further, the plans are also expected to create conditions for retaining and recruiting skilled personnel to Addnode Group and to provide competitive remuneration.